Refereed Publications
Vu CT, Bynoe P, Duong TM, Eliot M, Hall F, Ranasinghe R, de Schipper M & Tuhumwire JT. (2021) Changes in erosion and sedimentation. World Ocean Assessment II, Chapter 13.
Eliot I, Kumar L, Eliot M, Stul T, McLean R & Nunn PD. (2020) Downscaling from Whole-Island to an Island-Coast Assessment of Coastal Landform Susceptibility to Metocean Change in the Pacific Ocean. In Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific (pp. 225-250). Springer, Cham.
Thom BG, Eliot I, Eliot M, Harvey N, Rissik D, Sharples C, Short AD & Woodroffe CD. (2018) National sediment compartment framework for Australian coastal management, Ocean & Coastal Management, 154, 103-120.
French J, Payo A, Murray B, Orford J, Eliot M & Cowell P. (2015). Appropriate complexity for the prediction of coastal and estuarine geomorphic behaviour at decadal to centennial scales. Geomorphology.
Gallop SL, Collins M, Pattiaratchi CB, Eliot MJ, Bosserelle C, Ghisalberti M, Collins LB, Eliot IG, Erftemeijer PL, Larcombe P, Marigomez I, Stul T & White DJ. (2015) Challenges in transferring knowledge between scales in coastal sediment dynamics, Frontiers in Marine Science, doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00082
Dodson J, Eliot I, Eliot M, Chagué-Goff C & Goff J. (2014) Wrack line signatures of high-magnitude water-level events on the northwest Australian coast. Marine Geology, 355, 310-317.
Eliot M. (2012) Sea Level Variability Influencing Coastal Flooding in the Swan River Region, Western Australia. Continental Shelf Research, 33, 14-28.
Eliot M & Eliot I (2012) Interpreting Estuarine Change in Northern Australia: Physical Responses to Changing Conditions. Hydrobiologia. Special Issue – Australian Wetlands and Climate Change.
Wijeratne EMS, Pattiaratchi CB, Eliot M & Haigh ID. (2012) Tidal characteristics in Bass Strait, south-east Australia. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science, 714.
Eliot M. (2011) Influence of Inter-annual Tidal Modulation on Coastal Flooding along the Western Australian Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C11013, doi:10.1029/2010JC006306.
Haigh I, Eliot M & Pattiaratchi C. (2011) Global influences of the 18.61 year nodal cycle and 8.85 year cycle of lunar perigee on high tidal levels. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C06025.
Eliot M & Pattiaratchi CB. (2010) Remote Forcing of Water Levels by Tropical Cyclones in Southwest Australia. Continental Shelf Research, 30, 1549-1561.
Travers A, Eliot M, Eliot I & Jendrzejczak M. (2010) Sheltered sandy beaches of southwestern Australia. In: Bishop P & Pillans B. (Eds) Australian Landscapes. Geological Society SP346, 23-42, doi:10.1144/SP346.3.
Finlayson CM, Eliot I & Eliot M. (2009) A Strategic Framework for Monitoring Coastal Change in Australia’s Wet-dry Tropics – Concepts and Progress. Geographical Research in Australia, 47(2), 109-123.
Cobb S, Saynor M, Eliot M, Eliot I & Hall R. (2007). Saltwater intrusion and mangrove encroachment of coastal wetlands in the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory, Australia. Supervising Scientist Report 191.
Winn K, Saynor M, Eliot M, & Eliot I. (2006) Saltwater Intrusion and Morphological Change at the Mouth of the East Alligator River, Northern Territory. Journal of Coastal Research, 22(1), 137-149.
Eliot M, Travers A & Eliot I. (2006) Landforms of Como Beach, Western Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, 22(1), 63-77.
Eliot I, Eliot M & Saynor M. (2000) Climatology and physical oceanography of van Diemen Gulf: Preliminary acquisition of baseline information. In: Environment Australia. (2000) Eliot I, Saynor M, Eliot M & Finlayson C. (Eds) Assessment and monitoring of coastal change in the Alligator Rivers Region, northern Australia. Supervising Scientist Report 157.
Conference Papers & Selected Technical Reports
World Bank (2020) Flood Risk and Coastal Assessment of the Tocumen River : Prioritization of Hybrid Infrastructure for Urban Flood Risk Reduction in Panama City. World Bank Report.
Eliot M & McCormack G. (2019) Observed Water Level Responses to Opening a Large Channel to Peel- Harvey Estuary. Proceedings of Costs & Ports 2019. Hobart, Tasmania.
Stul T, Eliot M, Eliot I & Andrew W. (2019) Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hotspots in Western Australia. Seashore Engineering Pty Ltd. Report number: SE052-01 Rev1.
Guzman A, Castaño-Isaza J, Ferguson S, Bovolo I, Lawless M, Eliot M, Dale A & Sabatini J. (2018) Suriname Coastal Resilience Assessment. World Bank. Report 130439.
Eliot M. (2016) Coastal sediments, beaches and other soft shores. Coast Adapt Information Manual 8. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast.
Eliot M, Stul T & Travers A. (2015) Peron-Naturaliste Partnership Region Coastal Monitoring Program. Damara WA Pty Ltd Report 245.
Stul T, Eliot M, Bailey J, Marshman S & Hill A. (2015) Protocols for Beach Renourishment in an Estuary, Proceedings of Australasian Coasts & Ports Conference 2015, Auckland, 15-18 Sept 2015.
McCormack G, Eliot M, Staples O & Barr S. (2014) Bunbury Coastal Erosion Issues. IPWEA – WA Conference: Create, Communicate, Deliver, 11-13 March 2014, Fremantle, Western Australia.
Eliot M. (2013) Application of Geomorphic Frameworks to Sea-level Rise Impact Assessment. Prepared for Geoscience Australia. Damara WA Pty Ltd Report 193-01-Rev 0.
Eliot M, Stul T & Eliot I. (2013) Revisiting Landforms in Coastal Engineering. Proceedings of Coasts & Ports 2013, held 11-13 September 2013, Manly, New South Wales.
Barr S & Eliot M. (2011) Busselton Coastal Protection. Coasts & Ports 2011.
Eliot M & Travers A. (2011) Dynamics of Scarborough Beach, City of Stirling, Western Australia. Coasts & Ports 2011.
Haigh I, Eliot M, Pattiaratchi C & Wahl T. (2011) Regional changes in mean sea level around Western Australia between 1897 and 2008. Coasts & Ports 2011.
Eliot M, Stul T & McCormack G. (2011) Karratha Coastal Movement Study. Damara WA Pty Ltd. Report 124.
Eliot M, Eliot I, Barr S & Dodson J. (2010) Coastal Geomorphology of the Ashburton River Delta and Adjacent Areas. Damara WA Pty Ltd. Report 082.
Haigh I, Eliot M & Pattiaratchi C. (2010) Historic Changes in Storm Surges around Southwestern Australia. Proceedings of Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas.
Wijeratne S, Pattiaratchi C, Haigh I & Eliot M. (2010) Thunderstorm-forced Tsunamis along the Western Australian Coast. Proceedings of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Modelling Symposium, Fremantle, Australia, 12-15 October 2010.
Pattiaratchi C & Eliot M. (2008) Sea Level Variability in South-West Australia: From Hours to Decades. ICCE 2008.
Eliot I & Eliot M. (2008) Coastal Geomorphology: Proposed LNG Hub Locations in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia. Report for Northern Development Taskforce, Environment Experts Working Group. Damara WA Pty Ltd.
Eliot M & Eliot I. (2006) Australian Tropical River Inventory and Assessment: Estuaries. Report for Department of Environment and Heritage. Damara WA Pty Ltd.
Eliot I, Tonts M, Eliot M, Walsh G & Collins J. (2005) Recreational Beach Users in the Perth Metropolitan Area. March 2005 in Summer 2004-2005. Institute for Regional Development, University of Western Australia.
Eliot I, Saynor M, Eliot M, Pfitzner K, Waterman P & Woodward E. (2005) Assessment and Development of Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Wetlands and Rivers to Climate Change in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. Draft Final Report Prepared for Australian Greenhouse Office. National Centre for Tropical Wetland Research.
Howorth R, Bonte M, Prasad R, Goosby S, Oliver S, Eliot M & Biukoto L. (2004) Impacts of tropical
cyclone Heta to Niue. Proceedings AMOS Storm Conference, Brisbane 5-9 July, 2004. -
Houghton S, Eliot M & Eliot M. (2003) Use of Beaches on the Perth Metropolitan Coast between Rockingham and Ocean Reef: with Special Reference to Port and Leighton Beaches. School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia. Working Papers in Geography Number 2001/01.